Easter Bonnet


Celebrate the start of spring by knitting your own Easter Bonnet. Complete with bouquet of flowers, pink bow and bunny ears our egg-stravagant bonnet is perfect for your Easter Egg Hunt.

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This is a downloadable PDF knitting pattern

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The instructions for the bonnet are given for both knitting flat and in-the-round. Knitted in stocking stitch starting with the rim, a little garter stitch ribbon, then continuing in stocking stitch decreasing to shape the crown. The features are knitted separately, sewn together then attached to the hat.  The bouquet of flowers includes daffodils, lavender and daisies. A pink bow sits on the ribbon and the bonnet is finished with bunny ears and a pom-pom tail

Difficulty Rating


This project is for those who have learnt the basics and ready to introduce simple stitch patterns, basic colour work and some shape work.


Circumference Approx.
Large 60 cm
Medium 56 cm

Yarns in Photos

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King Cole Chunky Pink 827 (Doubled)

Marriner Super Chunky Oatmeal

Marriner Chunky Yellow

Marriner Chunky Violet

Marriner Chunky White

Marriner Chunky Emerald

What We're Reading

We’re Going on an Egg Hunt by Laura Hughes and Martha Mumford

The Easter Bunnies are excited for Easter! Join them as they search for 10 Easter eggs as they journey through chicks, ducks and sheep. Lovely illustrations with interactive lift-the-flaps.


Angelina and the Easter Bonnet by Katharine Holabird

Angelina Balerina is celebrating Easter with her friends by making their own Easter bonnets and taking part in the Chipping Cheddar Easter parade.


Bunny’s Easter Bonnet by Eleanor Hudson

Bunny is looking for the perfect Easter bonnet. Bunny tries many different hats, made of straw, grass, and yarn, but settles on a beautiful bonnet that sparkles and shines.


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