Woohoo!!! My website is live!

by | Jun 29, 2021 | News, What We're Reading

Here goes, my first ever attempt at writing a blog.  I am not going to lie; it is intimidating putting myself out there but whilst I am scared stiff of opening up, I am so proud of how Imagine a Hat is looking. If you want to hear more about me and how Imagine a Hat came to be, check out my About page.

I currently have 24 patterns available, ready to become your family’s literary companions. All of which I think have their own personality. I constantly change my mind on who is my favourite Imagine Friend but have a soft spot for Fausto the Frog.  I have also been working hard on my next releases and am sure if your favourite hero isn’t available yet I would have been thinking of how to create them.  So many ideas but not enough hands! 

I would love to know who your favourite Imagine Friend is and which books you would read with them or who you would like to see next in our library-you never know you might inspire a new Imagine Friend. 

I had a visit from my best friend the other week, her kids had great fun rummaging through the hats.  They settled on Dana the Duck and Reed the Rabbit and read Duck! Rabbit! By Amy Krouse Rosentha, a delightful picture book that shows how people see things differently. Once they had finished reading they spent the afternoon pointing out and discussing what they could see in the clouds. Obviously, we have all been in lockdown so firstly it was great to see my friend for the first time in ages but it was fantastic to share the hats with them and their expressions as they sorted through and picked out who they wanted to read with was priceless.

So, if you would like to keep in touch with our news subscribe to my newsletter, don’t worry I won’t bombard you with emails but if you want to hear what is going on more frequently then please like or follow Imagine a Hat on my socials. Till the next time xx

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1 Comment

  1. Natalie

    Great designs, love the second picture with the little bunny tail!


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