Pom-pom Caterpillar

by | Nov 25, 2021 | News, What We're Reading

We must read Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar every day! So today we made our very own to accompany our storytelling, it was easy peasy and we love it!
We used: red and green wool, a pom pom maker, scissors, a large darning needle, 2 green pipe cleaners, 1 purple pipe cleaner, 2 green buttons, 2 yellow buttons and a needle & thread.
We made 4 green pompoms and 1 red leaving a long thread on the red one as we tied it. We used the darning needle and red thread to sew through the four green pom-poms and back again, then secured. We cut the green pipe cleaners in half and using the darning needle again threaded them through green pom-poms bending the ends for feet. We thread the purple pipe cleaner through the red pom-pom, bent and twisted to make antennae. We finished the caterpillar using the needle and thread to sew on the buttons as eyes.


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